I haven't been online in a long time because internet access hasn't fit into my budget. I am only online now because someone in a nearby apartment, or perhaps the office, has a wireless network with open access, which means I can hop online through this wireless network card. I will offer to pay them monthly for my borrowed access, but I haven't been able to figure out whose it is yet. I wonder if they'll figure out I'm on here this week.
Anyways, now that I'm married, life's a lot better. My wife and I live in a relatively small apartment, we have a bunny and I still have my fish. The bunny's name is Nibbles. I had a nice bowl of oatmeal this morning after coming home from a morning shift at work I didn't have to be there for.
I am the lead evening prep cook at Ottavio's in AF, and once or twice a week I also work mornings to cover someone for a day off. Today I was going to cover for the morning lead, but he was supposed to be off this weekend, so he's working this morning. I found all this out after getting up at 6:40 am to show up for his 7 am shift. He showed up around 7:30 and asked "didn't J talk to you?" So I left and came home.
My bunny is a lot more social than the bunnies that lived with us when I was growing up, I guess it's because I let it out of the cage a lot and feed it mostly from my hand, well, my wife's hand more than mine but feeding by hand most of the time. Nibbles likes to explore the apartment and find places he's not supposed to get into and hide under furniture, or sometimes he just likes to run fast across the apartment and hop up on the couch. Usually when he hops up on my lap it's because he wants food, but he'll let me scoop him up in my hands pretty much any time unless he's trying to hide. I like that he lets me pick him up and hold him, he's so soft and likes to be petted on the back and scratched on the back of his neck. He's light brown on his back, ears and face, with white circles around his eyes and an off-white belly and sides.
I've been having a lot of dreams about being back in the military or back in school. I don't know why I dream about the military so much. Most of the time, I'm happy to be back for about 3 hours, until I get into the usual army bullcrap, and then I'm trying to escape or figure out why in the world I ended up back in that nonsense. I hope that never happens. The school dreams often involve zombies or lions or wierd dangerous stuff like that.
My wife just got up, she's sharing an apple with our bunny. He loves apples. I think he loves the peel better than the meat though. wierd eh? he likes eating banana peels too. I don't think it's bad for him, but I guess it could be. I hope he knows what's good for him, because the book only said "all fruits are good, and most vegetables" it specified which veggies not to feed him, but said nothing about any fruit parts that are bad.
Raw potatoes are bad, tomatoes are bad, most commercial lettuce will make him bloated because of the chemicals, and they are supposed to like apples best. It says nothing about banana peels. Maybe I'll find an online forum and ask.