Thursday, December 14, 2006

Because, you know, air ducts are designed to hold more than just air.

One of the most insightful quotes I've heard in a long while. From my little green buddy. Let me clarify, my little green buddy is still around here, if you forgot who that was, and Monkeyboy is happily married, somewhere in the east. So yeah, my little green buddy brought that up while we were talking about movies. It's just such a disappointing move. "oh, I'm gonna climb through the air ducts." but really, what kind of person would assume that an air duct would be strong enough to support them above hallways and through sections of buildings otherwise sufficiently guarded to restrict entry. I mean, really, something designed in a capitalist society to support nothing but air is surely built to enclose and support a 200 lb person such as myself, to permit me safe passage past the guards into whatever happily unguarded reciprocal of valuable equipment/records/golds as I might desire to enter.
Oh my science... willing suspension of disbelief is really put to the test on that one, isn't it? There are many ways to fill the plot hole of "how did she sneak past the guards anyways?" Why do they always fall back on the old "she snuck through the air vents to get to wherever it was she needed to go, thanks to her excessive understanding of how air ducts are built, which makes it obvious which turns to take to get to the desired location, and never mind that air ducts weren't built to support the weight of a human... or two or three if she left the vent open, and they caught up to her, and she's kicking them to allow for her safe but suspenseful passage to the established destination."
Comeon, seriously...