Tuesday, April 24, 2007

The view up here - sunset.

I don't know if I've mentioned why I like living up here against the hillside. There's definitely a down-side to being up here. It's a long drive to the freeway, and to school, and to anywhere I'd work. I can't just stroll down to a grocery store in any decent amount of time. I have to take the car to get groceries unless I have a lot of time for the walk. Too steep for the bike to be practical, even though I'm in decent shape. There are plenty of reasons why being up here is hard, but being up here is really good. The rent's cheaper than elsewhere in town because it's out of the way, and this is the view I get at sundown. It was hard to get a good picture, I don't think the sky was really that bright, but I couldn't get a shot that truly approximated the right light level. Still, it's a really pretty sunset and I like being able to see all the way across the valley, and even see the lake out there. It's miles away, but I can see it all from up here. I love it.

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Baby Got Back - Gilbert and Sullivan Style

I hope this makes you laugh as much as I did.

Monday, April 16, 2007

When did 'homosexual' become a noun?

We had a rather heated debate today in my ethics and values class about homosexuality. We talked about whether it's right for them to marry, to raise kids, or just if it's ok for them to be homosexual. I have another, related issue I'd like to rant about. When did it become a noun? Imagine being a kid growing up with this debate going on, and everyone talking about homosexuality as something that some people are and some people are not. With all the hormones and such going on during puberty, it's already a pretty confusing time in life. When we talk of homosexual as something that some people just are, doesn't it reasonably follow that kids are going to feel a need to define themselves in terms of this distinction? Do you think that's wise? Is it good for a kid to look at himself (herself) and notice traits that some people ascribe to homosexuals and then follow by thinking "well, maybe I'm just gay" do you think that's good? I think it's pretty clear that the way everyone talks about homosexuality as an "is" rather than a "does" confuses the issue. Now let's look at whether or not it's valid. Someone close to me has chosen an alternative lifestyle. She grew up Christian, married a man, had kids, raised them, had some problems along the way but don't we all? Eventually, she decided she'd be happier living with another woman. It bothers me to describe her as "a lesbian," but not because it bugs me that she lives that way, but because that's simply not who she is. It's something she does, it's a choice she made, but that's not who she is. She's a caring woman, she's kind and considerate, she works hard, she keeps her home beautiful, she was a good mother. I don't think of her as "a lesbian" nor anyone else who chooses that lifestyle. It's not something you are, it's something some people do, and something that people start and stop doing at points in their life.

I can't rant about this anymore. I just can't stand it. You're all blind.
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Wednesday, April 11, 2007

The first tree I really dislike

This tree, alone among it's brothers, has incurred my distaste. As you can see, it is blocking the view from my balcony. Had I wanted to pay more and have more trouble moving into my apartment, possibly having to give up some of my furniture, I might have gotten a better view. I may try to make the move to one of the nicer apartments when my lease is up, if any of the good spots are open. For now, I'm up here on the north side and this tree is starting to grow its leaves. I don't mind this tree when it's bare, but when those leaves come, that's pretty much the end of my stunning view of the valley.
During the winter I can see all the way out across the lake, and that's a long way to be able to see. I laugh sometimes thinking what other people paid for their houses up here on the hill, only to have a slightly lower vantage point than the one I enjoy. All that laughter comes to an end this month as the tree outside my balcony sprouts leaves and readies itself for summer. This view will be all but blocked unless, by some friendly twist of fate, some of these offending branches happen to fall to the ground.

But that wouldn't happen...
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