Sunday, July 17, 2005

voice recognition

After reading some things on I thought I would give us a shot. I have been training my voice recognition software and I thought it would see how well it could recognize my voice for a diary entry. The dreams last night were rather distressing and actually freaked me out of bit . I was taking care of a bunch of children they want my children do they were all living together in a house where I lived as well so I guess it was like living working in an orphanage of some sort I don't know it was strange but here's the free car was taking this little girl for a ride on the bus. She was always a very scared little girl and I worried about her. She was standing near the end of the car it was a train car shoes standing by the doors of the end. Shoes looking outside and shoes noticeably frightened. I look to assign to see what was bothering him so much, and wouldn't surprise that quickly turned to fear I saw a little girl on the outside of the door staring in at the little girl who was in my care.

Soon this little girl which hiatus seems to be a ghost left the door and wouldn't back to where she came from. Then shoes suddenly replaced by a little boy. He was hanging on to the outside of the door and was greedily looking into this little girl I was taken care of. He was still they are staring when the train stopped and we had to walk past him and almost through him to leave between. We started quickly walking home and he followed us and soon it seemed to more and more little child ghosts were following us as we tried to make our way home.

Eventually we were able to get home. It was a large building and there were lots of kids there. The yard outside is attractive but became very eerie as more and more child ghosts walked into the lawn. They came and stood at the doors, floated up to the windows they surrounded the house home watching this little girl. I felt a very sorry for her and wanted to protect her but what can I do. Their ghosts, you can't fight ghosts. It was about that time that I woke up, my heart pounding, hardly willing to open my eyes. It's been a long time since I've had nightmares, it's been a long time since anything has scared me like that.


Jookylover said...

Wow. I don't think I understood any of that. Your voice recognition needs work.

Jookylover said...