Sunday, October 25, 2009

Not often enough

It has been a while since I posted to my blog. It's also been a while since I got out of Utah. I have got to say I don't do either often enough. I should be writing 2-3 posts a day to my new netbook-focused website, building up a small library of reviews and news while arranging and fine tuning the wireframe which will make it all easy to click through and find what you want.
Chappy on the other hand has left the country again. Probably asleep in japan right at the moment, he will be departing Tokyo in another day or so and joining J in Kobe. Should be good times, wish I could be there. Then agin, I don't know Japanese, and I can't afford to take 3 people overseas right now. I don't really want to travel without my baby girl or her mom anyways. She's great to have on long trips. Lots of laughs and a positive attitude. Here she is pictured in Lithia park in Ashland OR. That was good times.

Funny, even at home I'm online mobile as much as not. My employer doesn't want to supply open wifi in the breakroom (though there is a closed signal I can't have) so I am tethered to my phone in here during lunch.
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